Adam and Eve (Family) | Russian Art Center

Adam and Eve (Family)

Franz von Stuck (1863-1928)

Year 1912

Franz von Stuck (1863-1928)
Adam and Eve (Family)
Year 1912
105 x 115 см
Oil on canvas
The fall of man and his exile from heaven seem to have been particularly fascinating to the artist since the beginning of his career. He also dedicates himself to the history of the origin of mankind, which begins with the banishment of Adam and Eve from paradise. The painting Thing is a rethinking of biblical history, showing the family on a field planted with flowers, on which one can feel the power of fertility. It is not Eve, but Adam, in the crooked position of the animal, who presents glowing red apples as food and a gift of love to his wife and child. The psychological and narrative complexity of such ancient motifs, which go back centuries through the history of mankind and are constantly interpreted in literature and art, gives the paintings the timelessness



Franz von Stuck (1863-1928)
Adam and Eve (Family)
Year 1912